Call for nominations: Editor of the International Journal of Testing
The International Test Commission is seeking nominations for the editor of International Journal of Testing. You can self-nominate or nominate colleagues. The editorship is a four year appointment. The journal now receives about 125 submissions a year and publishes around 20 articles. We are looking for someone who can manage the editorial process efficiently, but also promote the journal to colleagues and readers around the globe. This promotion might take the form of inviting special issues or review papers by prominent researchers, but may also include publicizing the journal through various forms of social media and other means. The editor, if he or she wishes, may appoint an associate editor(s). Nominees should send a vita and a vision statement for the journal to Neal Schmitt, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824-1116 or
[email protected]. The editorial term begins January 1, 2017. Nominations are due by March 1, 2016.