Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the July 2020 12th Conference of the ITC had to be postponed. This has now been re-scheduled for 9th-12th July 2021 and will take the form of a virtual Colloquium on Tests and Testing. See the Conferences page for latest updates. The health and wellbeing of the ITC community remains our priority.

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Find out more about the history of the ITC

The International Test Commission (ITC) is an “association of national psychological associations, test commissions, publishers and other organizations committed to promoting effective testing and assessment policies and to the proper development, evaluation and uses of educational and psychological instruments.” (ITC Directory, 2001).
By visiting this section, you will be able to read more about:
  • The founding of the ITC;
  • The Leadership of the ITC;
  • The Membership of the ITC;
  • Important projects of the ITC;
  • Current status of the ITC.

Latest News

Controversies in College Admissions: Access, Honesty, Equity, Excellence Virtual Mini Conference (Sept 28 & 29, 2020)

College Admissions processes and measures have continued to attract considerable attention through the media. Issues arise when the public questions the ethics and honesty of admission decisions and who is accepted. It is critical to ensure access, honesty, and equity in the process, while continuing to achieve excellence in our future classes. Read more

International Journal of Testing Call for Proposals: Special Issue on Equity and Fairness in Testing and Assessment in School Admissions

Guest Editors: Sang Eun Woo, Bart Wille, & Stephen G. Sireci

Over the recent years, there have been active debates over the use of standardized tests in college and graduate admissions around the world, due to concerns about score disparities resulting in disparate admissions outcomes. Due to such fairness concerns, in the U.S., several colleges and universities have decided to suspend the SAT and ACT requirements for their applicants, which generated a number of heated discussions both within and outside the academia. The use of the Graduate Record Examinations (GREs) in graduate admissions is also being hotly debated for similar reasons, and a number of graduate programs in the U.S. have opted to remove the GRE requirement from their admission processes, at least for the upcoming admission cycle. In Chile, the country’s University Selection Test (PSU) has been strongly protested against, on the ground of social justice and educational equality. Read more

International Test Commission Election Results 2020

The International Test Commission is pleased to announce the election result of our newly appointed Executive and Elected Council Members for the office term July 2020 to July 2022. The election was held via Extraordinary General Meeting conducted electronically as we had to facilitate business differently due to the Covid-19 pandemic and having to postpone the 2020 ITC Conference in Luxembourg. Read more

International Journal of Testing Call for Proposals: Special Issue on the Use of Technology for Assessment in Organizational, Psychological, or Educational Research and Applications

The editor and associate editors of the International Journal of Testing (IJT) are announcing a call for proposals for articles to be published in a special issue on “the use of technology for assessments in organizational, psychological, or educational research and applications”, which we aim to publish in early 2021. For this special issue, we are inviting ... Read more

Message of the President

Dear ITC Members and Friends, I would like to start by acknowledging the contribution of, and expressing my and the Council’s thanks to ...

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Kurt Geisinger,
ITC President (2018-2020)

Our Members

We proudly present here those organizations which are Full and Affiliate members of the ITC.

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